Thursday, June 28, 2012

Rainbow Cake? Nailed it! (not really)

Hopefully my daughter will still love me after I post her craft fail.  In her defense it was moist, delicate, tasty, and her homemade cream cheese frosting was yummy.

My 18 year old daughter bakes when she can't sleep.  She decided to make a rainbow cake (like the lovely ones on Pinterest) and she started it at about 11:00 pm.  These pics were taken at 1:30 am.

First some Pinterest pictures:

Rainbow Cake #cake Rainbow Cake #rainbow #weddings

Then hers:


  1. I feel ashamed at how hard I laughed, but I would have eaten it in a heartbeat!

  2. I feel ashamed at how hard I laughed, but I would have eaten it in a heartbeat!
